Please note COTS will be closing in September 2025.
Our books our always open to potential surrogates, you are welcome. There is no cost for a surrogate to join us.
Please note that I have set up a new independent Surrogacy Advice Line. Call me on 0333 772 3539 for more info or visit my website

Other surrogacy groups you could possibly try are SUK, My Surrogacy Journey (MSJ) Nappy Endings & Brilliant Beginnings.
Please note they all have long waiting lists and unfortunately charge a lot more for their services.
Considering becoming a surrogate in the UK? COTS can help you to find the right intended parents to help you along one of the most important and incredible journeys of their life. We offer continued support to you throughout the entirety of your surrogate journey. We understand that deciding to become a Surrogate is a big decision in your life, so we are committed to making sure your journey is as stress free as possible. Sadly, there is a shortage of UK Surrogates so we need more incredible women to help us give our intended parents the greatest gift they could ever wish for.
There is no cost to a surrogate to join COTS.
Contact us by email or by phone to discuss becoming a surrogate.
What Does It Take To Become A Surrogate?
It takes a kind, generous and compassionate person to become a Surrogate. The process is one of the most selfless and powerful things a women can do. It turns an ordinary couple into a family. We are on hand throughout the whole process to guarantee the wellbeing of both our surrogates & intended parents. With over 1,132 babies born to date COTS is the original and one of the leading UK Surrogacy organisations.
What Are The Two Different Types of Surrogacy?
Traditional Surrogacy known as (TS) is where the surrogate will use her own egg and self inseminate with the sperm from the Intended Father (IF). The beauty of this method is that you are in full control no medical intervention is necessary. The drawback is you are the genetic and birth mother. This accounts for a very small percentage of surrogate arrangements.
Gestational Surrogacy known as (GS) is where the intended parents (IPS) embryo is transferred to you at their IVF unit. Each clinic differs but most will take control of your natural cycle with drugs to down regulate you then scan you to check the lining of the womb and if ripe will induce ovulation to optimise the chance of implantation. The drugs are not pleasant and can cause mood swings. Some are injections and others pessaries. After transfer you still inject for a time after. The beauty of this method is that the baby you carry and give birth to is totally unrelated to you. The downside is the frequent trips to the IVF unit, the drugs and the fact that if the transfer does not take it could be an enforced wait of a few months between cycles. This is by far the most popular method.
Can I Receive Payment As A Surrogate?
Yes it is quite acceptable to be paid reasonable expenses which amount to somewhere in the region of £15,000 to £20,000 being the average. It is very much an individual choice and will depend on your personal circumstances. Could me more sometimes a lot less. Once you have chosen the couple you would like to help, a template agreement would be supplied to guide you what to expect, closely followed by a supervised agreement session.
What Are The Requirements To Become A Surrogate?
Be fit and healthy (with a BMI between 19 and 30)
Be over 21 and under 40
Have had a baby already although we do accept women who have chosen never to have a child themselves.
Be a non smoker
Be willing to undertake treatment at a clinic if you opt for gestational surrogacy.
Be willing to do self inseminations if you opt for traditional surrogacy.
There is a lot to think about and we are here to help you decide if surrogacy is for you.
Five Reasons To Become A Surrogate
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
We have three Facebook groups, Two public and two closed groups.
Surrogacy The Ultimate Gift (public group)
COTS-Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy (members only)
Triangle Sometimes It Takes Three To Have A Baby (invited members only active matching aid)