Please note COTS will be closing in September 2025.
Our books our always open to potential surrogates, you are welcome. There is no cost for a surrogate to join us.
Please note that I have set up a new independent Surrogacy Advice Line. Call me on 0333 772 3539 for more info or visit my website

Other surrogacy groups you could possibly try are SUK, My Surrogacy Journey (MSJ) Nappy Endings & Brilliant Beginnings.
Please note they all have long waiting lists and unfortunately charge a lot more for their services.
"Potential surrogates should think very carefully before offering to carry someone else's baby. Those who have had their own children may have had easy, trouble free, pregnancies. But every pregnancy is different and any surrogate pregnancy may not be straightforward and, ultimately, could place them in danger. Most women will already be aware that complications like: diabetes, ectopic pregnancies, thrombosis, high blood pressure and haemorrhages can occur. It is also possible for a woman to lose her ability to have children. And, in extreme cases, probably one in ten thousand, women can die in childbirth. That is why very careful thought should be given before embarking upon surrogacy.
If after reading the above you wish to join COTS as a surrogate please either download the information from here. Or if you wish the information to be forwarded to you, please email You can also write to COTS
Foxy House, 41 Fox Hill Rd, Guilden Morden, South Cambs, SG8 0JH.
Telephone 0333 772 1549. When writing please state you are requesting a surrogates information pack with your name, address and phone number. The contact and the details of surrogate need to be completed and signed before forwarding to COTS at the above address.
If you wish to contact a surrogate who has been through an arrangement for advice please go to the Buddies list on our website. Or join our Facebook sites. COTS Surrogacy The Ultimate Gift. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like they will be answered.
You should already have given birth to at least one child. (There are exceptions to this)
Your age should be between 21 - 45 years depending on which type of surrogacy you opt for.
You must be in good health and reasonably fit.
You will be required to obtain a DBS
We will need a GP referral letter.
Surrogate Form (see downloads page)
Intended Parents
If after reading the COTS information about Surrogacy you wish to proceed, you will need to call the office first as our books are currently closed.
If we invite you to join COTS once your membership has been processed Kim will contact you to arrange an Information Session. This is not an assessment but an opportunity for you to find out more about every aspect of surrogacy. The meeting is via Skype, the cost of which is included in your joining fee. The session usually lasts approximately one hour.
If you already have your own surrogate you may join COTS immediately no waiting.
Couples living outside the UK
We are sorry but COTS cannot accept people who do not live in the UK.
If you wish to contact an intended parent who has been through an arrangement for advice please go the contact page through the navigation buttons above.
Intended parents must have exhausted ALL other medical channels in trying and have a child of their own, unless their doctor has indicated that pregnancy could be harmful to the intended mother .
We require both intended parents to obtain DBS checks.
We need GP referral letters as proof of infertility. The costs of having a surrogate tested is included in the initial subscriptions, but intended parents will have to pay for their tests direct to the laboratory.